What is Project Community LIFESAVER?
Funded by: The Hillman Family Foundation
Goal: Increase the odds of survival for out of hospital cardiac arrest.
Project Community LIFESAVER is the main project of CCAS. It focuses around training everyday community members in lifesaving skills to help their neighbors in need with possible emergencies.
We teach skills such including but not limited to:
Narcan administration
Hemorrhage control
Scene safety and how to talk to first responders and 911
This project utilizes the app PulsePoint to alert individuals of situations where someone might need CPR and directs them to the location should they choose to volunteer for the event. PulsePoint is available in many locations throughout the world for public medical emergencies(malls, churches, diners, etc.). However, our project focuses on teaching individuals skills for their specific neighborhoods.
We are currently conducting this project in 3 communities in the Pittsburgh area- Sto Rox, the Hill District, and South Oakland.
We have 2 types of volunteers
Verified Responders- those who have EMS experience
Community Responders- everyday community members